Invitation to the Team Managers for U7s, U8s, U9s & U10s – all 6 a side.
Rastrick Junior Football Club are delighted to invite you to enter our 23rd Annual Football Tournament on Saturday 17th June 2017.
hot & cold food • drinks • raffle • sweet stalls • & much more
9am – Under 7’s & Under 9’s
2pm – Under 8’s & Under 10’s
Please download the PDF and complete the reply slip at the bottom, then return it with your payment as soon as possible to the address provided before the closing date of 29th April 2017.
Note: The Club asks for each Team Manager to send out invitations for his own age group. If you wish to make enquiries for any other age groups in your club please ring Nicola Clough on 01484 400426 (eve).
Age groups based on current season, in accordance with WRCFA rules, all age groups will be playing competitive football, all players at under 7 and 8 will also recieve a medal.